May 4–7, 2022
This year’s Orthopaedic Update is a four-day program beginning with Research Day and followed by a two-day conference. We close the event on Saturday with a fun day at the beach.
We look forward to seeing you there! UPDATE: Saturday’s Beach Day is postponed due to poor weather.
Pre-conference Orthopaedic Research Day
The annual UBC Department of Orthopaedics Research Day will take place Wednesday, May 4 in the main floor lecture theatre of the Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre at Vancouver General Hospital as part of the larger Ortho Update Conference. Research Day is a one-day event in which UBC Orthopaedics residents, fellows, and graduate students present their research and field questions on research techniques and results by visiting speakers.
Orthopaedic Update: Innovations in Orthopaedics
The UBC Department of Orthopaedics and BC Orthopaedic Association (BCOA) are hosting the annual Orthopaedic Update, a two-day conference for orthopaedic surgeons across British Columbia to stay informed of current research and innovations in clinical practice while networking. This year’s theme—Innovations in Orthopaedics—features sessions on new and emerging technologies, novel surgical techniques, accelerated recovery pathways, and other ‘hot-topics’ in orthopaedics. The conference will be held May 5–6, 2022 at the Morris J Wosk Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University and available through Zoom for remote attendees.

The University of British Columbia Division of Continuing Professional Development (UBC CPD) is fully accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of Continuing Medical Education (CACME) to provide study credits for continuing medical education for physicians. This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and has been approved by UBC CPD for up to 14.0 MOC Section 1 Group Learning credits. Each physician should claim only those credits accrued through participation in the activity.
Saturday Morning Ortho Beach Day *** POSTPONED ***
Join our orthopaedic community for outdoor activities, social, and lunch 10:00–14:00. Registration is free for this family-friendly event. All are welcome!!!
UPDATE: Beach Day is postponed due to poor weather.
Program Outline
Wednesday, May 4 Orthopaedic Research Day
0800–1600: Morning Sessions
1200–1145: Lunch
1300–1600: Afternoon Sessions
Thursday, May 5 Orthopaedic Update Conference – Day 1
0800–0950: Innovation in Health Care Delivery in British Columbia
1010–1145: Innovation Through Health Care Redesign
1145–1230: Health Care Redesign Symposium: Same-Day Discharge Hip and Knee Arthroplasty
1315–1500: Innovating the Surgeon
1530–1700: Updates from UBC Department of Orthopaedics, BCOA, and COA
1700–1900: BC Orthopaedic Association Social
Friday, May 6 Orthopaedic Update Conference – Day 2
0800–0940: Hot Topics in Evidence-Based Orthopaedics/Innovation in My Specialty
1010–1215: Innovation in Orthopaedic Technology
1315–1405: Contemporary Challenges In Orthopaedics
1405–1530: Optimizing Wellness In Orthopaedics
1600–1645: Optimizing Wellness in Orthopaedics Practical Guide/Workshop
1800–2200: UBC Department of Orthopaedics Graduation and Awards Banquet
Saturday, May 7 Saturday Morning Ortho Beach Day *** POSTPONED ***
1000–1400: Saturday Morning Ortho Beach Day at Jericho/Spanish Ban. Bring the family.
UPDATE: Saturday’s Beach Day is postponed due to poor weather.
Ortho Update Highlights
Special Guest Speakers
Dr. Mo Bhandari, Distinguished University Professor, Chair, Department of Surgery, McMaster University; Senior Tier Canada Research Chair; Editor-in-Chief, OrthoEvidence – Dr. FP Patterson Lecturer
Dr. Darin Davidson, Hematology/Oncology and Orthopaedic Surgery Specialist, Seattle, Washington – Dr. KS Morton Lecturer
Dr. Raphaële Charest-Morin, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, University of British Columbia – Dr. RW McGraw Lecturer
Dr. Fay Leung, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, University of British Columbia – Dr. CP Duncan Lecturer
Dr. Alf Smith, Clinical Instructor, Prince Rupert Regional Hospital, Department of Orthopaedics, University of British Columbia – BCOA Honorary Lecturer
Keynote Lectures from Dr. Bhandari
- Building a Creative Mindset
- OrthoEvidence: Managing a Misinformation Epidemic
- Innovating Hip Fracture Through Large, Collaborative Trials
- Covid-19 and the Canadian Landscape: lessons learned
Keynote Lectures from Dr. Davidson
- High Performance Skills for the Orthopaedic Surgeon: practice for the healthcare athlete
- Psychological Skills for the Healthcare Athlete
- Technology and Physical Skills for the Healthcare Athlete
- Practices of the Healthcare Athlete: a practical guide/workshop
Special Sessions

Wednesday, May 4
UBC Orthopaedics Research Day
— Learn about recent research from our talented UBC Orthopaedics residents, fellows, and graduate students.

Thursday, May 5
Innovations in Orthopaedic Care Delivery, Health Care Redesign, and Optimizing Efficiency in Orthopaedic Clinical Practice
— Hear from colleagues around BC on novel aspects of health care redesign to improve efficiency and care of your orthopaedic patients.
Symposium on Same-Day Discharge Hip and Knee Arthroplasty
— Learn about important tools for success in developing a sustainable model for same-day discharge total joint replacement in this interactive symposium. This symposium places special emphasis on patient selection, perioperative optimization, anaesthetic/analgesic protocols, surgical technique, rehabilitation, and minimizing complications/readmission.
Innovating the Surgeon
— Consider the effect emerging technologies, robot-assisted surgery, navigation, virtual reality, and techniques in self improvement through coaching and psychological tools to improve your technique, performance and outcomes.
Updates from your Associations
— Bring your questions, suggestions and issues for interactive and engaging sessions with leadership from the Canadian Orthopaedic Association, BC Orthopaedic Association, and Department of Orthopaedics.
Thursday Evening BC Orthopaedic Association Social
— Meet with your colleagues from around the province for a beverage and some fun, collegial community building dialogue.

Friday, May 6
Hot Topics in Evidence-Based Orthopaedics and Innovations in My Specialty
— Review hot topics and controversies in light of the latest evidence for your practice in 2022. Topics including surgical approaches in hip arthroplasty, the role of cementless knee replacement, interactive apps to guide patient surgical recovery and outcome, recent advances in foot and ankle reconstruction, innovations in trauma wound management among other pioneering topics in Orthopaedics.
Innovative Technologies in Orthopaedics
— Review the latest advances in technology relevant to your practice, including the role of 3D printed implants and cutting jigs, 3D mapping in surgery, adaptive technology among others.
Sessions on Optimizing Wellness in Orthopaedics
— Review developments in our department and at UBC pertaining to equity, diversity and inclusion along with initiatives to optimize a culture of psychological safety in orthopaedics.
Participate in a Workshop/Practical Guide to Wellness
— Review and gain familiarity with recent developments in technology, physical, and psychological tools to optimize your wellness and performance. No matter the stage of your clinical practice, you will gain additional exposure to effective tools and methods to improve performance while reducing risk of burnout.
Friday Evening UBC Department of Orthopaedics Graduation and Awards Banquet
— Join us Friday evening for our annual banquet and graduation ceremony and awards at the Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club.

Saturday, May 7
Saturday Morning Ortho Beach Day *** POSTPONED ***
— Join our orthopaedic community for outdoor activities, social, and lunch 10:00–14:00. Registration is free for this family-friendly event. All are welcome!!!
UPDATE: Saturday’s Beach Day is postponed due to poor weather.
Questions? Contact us at
Registration Contact
UBC Orthopaedic Update Conference 2022
c/o Sea to Sky Meeting and Association Management Inc.
Suite 206, 201 Bewicke Avenue, North Vancouver, BC V7M 3M7, Canada
Phone: 604-984-6455 Email: