Affiliated Research Centres

With our increasing focus on scientific discovery and knowledge translation, our faculty members and their research programs are well integrated with two affiliated research centres:

The International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries

The International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries (ICORD) is a world-leading health research centre focused on spinal cord injury. From the lab-based cellular level of understanding injury to rehabilitation and recovery, our researchers are dedicated to the development and translation of more effective strategies to promote prevention, functional recovery, and improved quality of life after spinal cord injury. Located at Vancouver General Hospital in the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre, ICORD is supported by UBC Faculty of Medicine and Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute.

The Centre for Aging SMART

The Centre for Aging SMART at Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) is a University of British Columbia affiliated, internationally recognized research centre to accelerate discoveries and new knowledge to improve the lives of an aging population and individuals living with a disability. We are focused on developing novel Solutions for Mobility, Activity, Rehabilitation and Technology so that people living with the effects of aging or disability can live a high quality of life. The vision of the Centre for Aging SMART is to ensure that people of all ages and abilities enjoy a life with quality.