Celebrating a legacy of groundbreaking research and unwavering commitment, Dr. Peter O’Brien, Associate Professor Emeritus at UBC Orthopaedics, has been honored with the prestigious Canadian Orthopaedic Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award. His extraordinary contributions have reshaped the field of orthopaedics, redefining possibilities and inspiring generations of professionals.
Dr. Peter O’Brien‘s unwavering commitment and groundbreaking research have earned him the Canadian Orthopaedic Association‘s (COA) Lifetime Achievement Award. Dr. O’Brien is currently an Associate Professor Emeritus with UBC Orthopaedics, and previously served as the Department’s Associate Head. His impact on the field is immeasurable, and we are inspired by his remarkable journey. Congratulations, Dr. O’Brien, for redefining possibilities in orthopaedics!
The COA’s Annual Service Awards recognize members who have distinguished themselves through their exemplary contributions, influence and commitment to improving the Canadian orthopaedic community. Awarded each year at the COA Annual Meeting, the Service Awards are high honours bestowed on a member by the Canadian Orthopaedic Association. The Lifetime Achievement Award is…
- Awarded in recognition of many years of exceptional service and consistent contributions to the orthopaedic community and to the COA over a significant period of time.
- Presented to individuals who have made a sustained impact nationally and internationally on the growth of the profession and who have maintained the highest standard of patient care in their practice.
- Recipients must be a strong and positive role model in the community and an exemplary mentor and educator.
- This award recognizes lifetime service rather than a single or shorter-term contribution.
Dr. Peter O’Brien is an Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon. His clinical practice is located at the Vancouver General and UBC Hospitals. His surgical practice is focuses on Orthopaedic Trauma for acute injuries of the extremities and pelvis and the reconstruction of post traumatic complications. He is a member of the Canadian Orthopaedic Association (COA), American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA), AO North America, AO International and the Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society (COTS).