The UBC Department of Orthopaedics hosted a virtual Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) Fall Forum on November 24, 2022 to showcase the invaluable research conducted by UBC Orthopaedics students and trainees.
This year’s online event was chaired by Dr. Lise Leveille, UBC Orthopaedics Clinical Assistant Professor & Director, Undergraduate Medical Education. Presentations were limited to 5 minutes followed by a 5 minute discussion with the review panel—Ashlee Dobbs, Harpreet Chhina, and Eryck Moskven. The abstracts and event program are available here. Congratulations to all the presenters, and thank you to all who made the event such a success!
We are pleased to announce the 2022 UGME Fall Research Forum award recipients:
First Place

Charlene Harasym
Measuring cartilage strain using MRI: a cross-validation sub-study (Dr. David Wilson)
“I am a 4th year Biomedical Engineering Student at UBC and I have been working at the Centre for Hip Health and Mobility under the supervision of Dr. David Wilson. I really enjoyed getting to present my research surrounding cartilage thickness measurements in MRI and CT at the 2022 UGME Research Forum, as well as getting to listen to all of the other wonderful presentations in the field of orthopaedics!” – Charlene Harasym

Michael Frew
3D-Printed foot prosthesis for children with fibular hemimelia (Sima Zakani)
“I am very thankful to have taken part in this research and proud to be able to present our findings.” – Michael Frew

Trevor Fowler
Ultrasound Screening for Infants at-risk of Developmental Hip Dysplasia in BC: Assessing Access-to-Care (Dr. Kishore Mulpuri, Dr. Emily K Schaeffer)
”At the UGME Fall Research Forum I presented one of the projects I have been working on with the HIPpy lab assessing DDH care within BC. It was incredible to be able to share our current progress to the UBC Department of Orthopaedics, and I am thrilled to be recognized for my work through this award!” – Trevor Fowler
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