Congratulations to postdoctoral fellows, Dr. Cameron Gee and Dr. Leili Ghazi Zadeh, on their winning research poster presentations!
The ICORD Symposium is an annual event organized by the trainees at International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries (ICORD) to promote and celebrate the research being conducted in the facility. The conference was held online for the second year in 2021 with invited speakers from Canada and worldwide as well as talks by ICORD Principal Investigators.
The International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) Conference is a four-day online symposium featuring world-leading keynote speakers focusing on spinal cord injury research. The society celebrated 60 years in 2021.
Cameron Gee
Dr. Cameron Gee won first place in the Postdoctoral Fellow category at the ICORD Trainee Symposium held September 24, 2021 for his poster presentation titled Describing pressure variability in acute SCI—a week later he was presented with an ISCoS Post Doctoral Fellow Award for the same poster presentation.
Dr. Gee is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the UBC Department of Orthopaedics with supervisor Dr. Brian Kwon. His PhD in Kinesiology from UBC delved into how the heart and lungs interact in individuals with tetraplegia.
I would like to acknowledge Brian Kwon and my co-authors (Angela Tsang, Lise Belanger, and Leanna Ritche) who were responsible for collecting the data that presented.
— Dr. Cameron Gee
Poster Presentations
Gee CM, Tsang A, Bélanger LM, Ritchie L, Kwon BK. All over the MAP: Describing pressure variability in acute SCI. ISCoS 2021, September 30, 2021. Post Doctoral Award Winner.
Gee CM, Tsang A, Bélanger LM, Ritchie L, Kwon BK. All over the MAP: Describing pressure variability in acute SCI. ICORD Trainee Symposium, September 24, 2021. Best Poster Presentation – Postdoctoral Fellow.
Leili Ghazi Zadeh
Dr. Leili Ghazi Zadeh took second place in the Postdoctoral Fellow category at the ICORD Trainee Symposium for her poster presentation titled Optical Detection of Simulated Viral Pneumonia Respiration and Tissue Oxygenation.
Dr. Ghazi Zadeh completed her Postdoctoral Fellow at the UBC Department of Orthopaedics with supervisor Dr. Babak Shadgan. She has a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Polytechnique Montréal and a post-doctorate (MITACS fellowship) from UBC.