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UBC GO Spotlight – Scott Paquette

UBC GO Spotlight – Scott Paquette

Fueled by his passion for global surgery and orthopedics, Dr. Paquette’s transformative work in the SpiNepal project has not only played a crucial role in establishing the Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Center in Kathmandu but has also been instrumental in providing extensive training to local physicians while offering ongoing mentorship and support.

Staff Spotlight – Vuong Nguyen

Staff Spotlight – Vuong Nguyen

Meet Vuong Nguyen, a biostatistician with UBC Orthopaedics, working jointly between the Hippy Lab and the Institute for Global Health! Vuong shares insights on the transformative potential of research, the excitement of problem-solving, and the importance of translating academic findings into tangible benefits for patients and communities.

Faculty Spotlight – Joshua Giles

Faculty Spotlight – Joshua Giles

Renowned for his contributions to orthopaedic biomechanics, Dr. Joshua Giles specializes in enhancing functional outcomes in shoulder arthroplasty. In an illuminating spotlight, Dr. Giles delves into his aspirations for positively impacting patients’ lives and underscores the necessity of realistic expectations for those considering a career in academia.

Dr. Cassandra Lane Dielwart

Dr. Cassandra Lane Dielwart

CLINICAL ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Division:Comprehensive Hospital Site:Kelowna – Kelowna General Hospital Cassandra Lane Dielwart, or “Lane”, is an Orthopaedic Surgeon with a general practice of joint replacement surgery, and subspecialty interest and training in Shoulder and Knee Arthroscopic Surgery and Orthopaedic Trauma surgery. After completing her residency at the University of British Columbia, she spent one […]

Brenda Markland

Brenda Markland

CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR Division:Comprehensive Hospital Site:Vancouver Island, Caledonian Clinic