Reconstruction & Oncology
Hospital Site:
Vancouver – Vancouver General Hospital & UBC Hospital
Dr. Masri was born in Beirut in 1965. He attended elementary school and high school in Beirut, Lebanon. In 1980, he migrated to Canada because of the conflicts in that country. He started university at the University of British Columbia in September 1981. He graduated with honors with a B.Sc. in Chemistry in 1985. Prior to graduating from the Department of Chemistry, he started his medical training at UBC in the fall of 1984. He graduated with a Doctor of Medicine degree in June 1988.
He then moved to Edmonton, Alberta, where he worked as a rotating intern at the Grey Nuns Hospital between July 1988 and June 1989. He then returned to Vancouver and started the orthopaedic surgery residency program at UBC. He graduated from that program in June of 1994, and became a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in November 1994.
Following graduation from residency, he completed a fellowship in Adult Reconstructive Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Oncology at UBC until December 31, 1994. He then moved to New York City and completed a fellowship in Adult Reconstructive Orthopaedics at the Hospital for Special Surgery between January 1 and July 31, 1995. He immediately returned to Vancouver to start as a Clinical Instructor at the University of British Columbia and as a hip and knee reconstruction surgeon at VGH as well as a musculoskeletal oncologist at both VGH and the BC Cancer Agency.
He then progressed through the ranks and became Head of the Division of Reconstructive Orthopaedics at VGH and UBC Hospitals, and Head of the Division of Lower Limb Reconstruction and Oncology at UBC. His current academic rank is that of Full Professor at UBC.
He was the Head of the Department of Orthopaedics at the University of British Columbia from 2007 until Dec 31, 2020. He also served as Head of the Department of Orthopaedics and Vancouver General Hospital and UBC Hospital, the largest orthopaedic program in British Columbia. from 2006 to Aug 31, 2021. He also served as Surgeon-In-Chief at these hospitals from 2011 to 2018.
Dr. Masri has been involved in multiple research projects leading to numerous presentation and publication. He holds two patents for innovative products. At last count, he has had 527 invited presentations, 315 scientific presentation, 290 peer-reviewed published articles, and 62 book chapters. He has been invited professor, speaker or course chairman, mostly internationally on 250 occasions, where he gave a total of 527 invited lectures, in all continents.
He has been involved in the supervision of 5 Masters and PhD students, and two post-doctoral fellows. He has also been involved in the training of 139 fellows and visiting surgeons from around the world, in addition to many more residents at UBC.
Dr. Masri served as Surgeon-in-Chief of VGH and UBC Hospitals from 2011 until 2018. He also founded the UBC Centre for Surgical Innovation in 2006 and was its Head until it was absorbed as a part of UBC Hospital in 2017. He also served as the Regional Medical Director for Surgical Services for The Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, which involved the primarily urban areas of the Greater Vancouver area, from 2015-2018. He has also served on many local, regional and national committees related to academic and administrative issues. He served as President of the Canadian Orthopaedic Association in 2014-2015.
He is a member of a number of prestigious scholarly societies (by invitation only) including the Hip Society, the Knee Society and the International Hip Society. In addition, he is a member of many other scholarly societies.
He is one of a small group of surgeons who founded the AO Recon initiative within the AO foundation, and currently serves as the Chair of the Education Forum of AO Recon and sits on its Steering Board and the Education Platform of the AO Foundation, Davos, Switzerland.
In November 2017, Dr. Masri was the recipient of the Pier Giorgio Marchetti, M.D. Lifetime Achievement Award by an International Alumnus from the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.
Dr. Masri serves as the Chief Medical Office for the Canadian Football League Players’ Association
Research Interests & Publications
Research Interests:
- Outcomes in Revision Knee Replacement
- Biomechanics in Joint Replacement
- Complications of Joint Replacement
Duncan CP, Masri BA. Fractures of the femur after hip replacement. Instr Course Lect. 1995; 44:293-304. PMID: 7797866
Garbuz DS, Tanzer M, Greidanus NV, Masri BA, Duncan CP. The John Charnley Award: Metal-on-metal hip resurfacing versus large-diameter head metal-on-metal total hip arthroplasty: a randomized clinical trial.; Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2010 Feb; 468(2):318-325. PMID 19697090
Garbuz DS, Hargreaves BA, Duncan CP, Masri BA, Wilson DR, Forster BB; The John Charnley Award: Diagnostic Accuracy of MRI Versus Ultrasound for Detecting Pseudotumors in Asymptomatic Metal-on-Metal THA. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2014 Feb; 472(2):417-23. PMID: 23868425
Kilb BKJ, Kurmis AP, Parry M, Sherwood K, Keown P, Masri BA, Duncan CP, Garbuz DS: Frank Stinchfield Award: Identification of the At-risk Genotype for Development of Pseudotumors Around Metal-on-metal THAs. Clin Orthop relat Res. 2018 Feb. 476(2):230-241. PMID: 29529651
Agrawal Y, Smith RM, Garbuz DS, Masri BA. Opioids in Arthroplast. Mind the Gap Between North America and the Rest of the World. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2018 Dec 19; 100(24):2162-2171. PMID 30562297
For more information regarding Dr. Masri’s published research, please click here.
Teaching Interests
- Orthopaedic joint replacement
- Orthopaedic Reconstructive Orthopaedics
- Revision Joint Replacement
Academic Background
- FRCSC Orthopaedic Surgery The University of British Columbia, 1994
- MD, The University of British Columbia, 1988
- BSc, The University of British Columbia, 1984
Dr. Michel Neufeld and team receive Robert B Salter Award to investigate metal hypersensitivity in patients with knee implants
Osteoarthritis, Part 1 from the BC Medical Journal (BCMJ) and Guest Editorial Co-Authored by Dr. Bassam Masri
READI Spotlight – Bas Masri
Dave Wilson and Bas Masri awarded $300,000 grant to measure cartilage mechanics using UBC’s unique Open MRI
Dr. Bas Masri co-authors 2021/2022 Excellence in Pharmacy Practice Award-winning study