Dr. Njalalle Baraza and Dr. Shafique Pirani Receive POSNA Micro Grant for Ponseti Clubfoot Navigator Study

Congratulations to Dr. Njalalle Baraza, UBC Orthopaedic Fellow Alum, and Dr. Shafique Pirani, UBC Orthopaedics Clinical Professor, on receiving a POSNA Micro Grant for their research project: Usefulness of Ponseti Clubfoot Navigator (PCN) in reducing clinical decision errors – a proof of principle study.

Clubfoot is a condition that has the potential to cause debilitating foot deformity. The Ponseti method of treatment is safe and effective in the treatment of most clubfeet. Our study aims to assess the usefulness of a novel clinical decision app in reducing decision-based error and to determine whether a shorter time is taken to reach the correct clinical decision in the non-operative treatment of clubfoot using the Ponseti method. The surrogate corollary to this would be improved patient outcomes and a more streamlined patient journey during Ponseti casting.

— Dr. Njalalle Baraza, UBC Orthopaedic Fellow Alum and Paediatric Orthopaedic Fellow at BC Children’s Hospital, Vancouver

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